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Change Windows Password using CMD

Windows is the most widely used operating system. The reason for its use is its security and easy to use interface. Windows utilize multiple type of security system but password is used by most of its users.

There are multiple ways to change Windows password but in this tutorial we will use CMD to change Windows password.

1st Method:

Step 1 :

Open CMD using administrative privileges.

Step 2 :

Type the following code in CMD.
net user UserName Password
Note: Change UserName & Password according to requirements.

2nd Method:

Step 1 :

Open CMD using administrative privileges.

Step 2 :

Type the following code in CMD.
net user UserName *
Note: Change UserName according to requirements.

Step 3 :

On prompt enter new password. Password must be entered two times.
Note: Password will be invisible in this method so just enter password.

Below is the video tutorial about changing Windows Password using CMD:

