Sometime we need to remotely control one computer from current i.e for accessing data or helping someone. Computer can be remotely controlled in many ways.
Sometime we need to remotely control one computer from current i.e for accessing data or helping someone. Computer can be remotely controlled in many ways.
Normal deletion of files doesn't delete the files but move it to Recycle Bin. They just hide from their original location. They are deleted by deleting them from Recycle Bin.
Windows XP installation is very slow which wastes much of time. Every one desire to boost the installation which may save some of their precious time. For this purpose following are some steps which can save much of your time while installing Windows XP
Disk drives are used for data storage. These drives are accessible by everyone who has access to the computer. But sometime data is critical and must be hidden from other users.
Desktop icons are used as a shortcut for programs which we used frequently. These icons are opened by clicking on it. Opening these icons through keyboard shortcuts should be more convenient.
sendto is the shortcut way for copying files and folders from one place to another in computer but mostly our desired folders are not listed in the sendto drop down menu.
While copying files from one folder to another we mostly open and close the same folder repeatedly. To overcome this repetition extended send to menu can be used which provide us some extra send to options.
Latest versions of windows are compatible with approximately all type of software but all are not compatible with latest versions of windows and work better with windows XP. Windows XP can not be completely replaced by any version of windows.
File compression is very necessary while sending files through internet. Different software are used for file compression but it can be done with out using any software.
Android is a great platform which every one wants to use it. Android become popular world wide in a dramatic speed. Android is an open source program and very flexible for which can be easily adapted by people related to any class.\
Windows installation directly from CD or DVD is slow. To speed up windows installation use USB instead of CD / DVD. For this purpose USB must be booted with windows installation setup which will work as a CD for you. Below are the step by step tutorials in which USB can be booted with Windows Installation Setup.
USB Write Protection has created serious problems for the people throughout the world. A large number of employees and students have lost quite a handsome data about their assignments, it is not only wastage of money but also the wastage of time that they have spent in compiling their assignments.
Advertising Networks are those networks which provide website & blog owners the opportunity to make money from their online property. These networks place advertisements on the publisher's website and pay the publishers an excellent amount of money.
Payoneer is an on-line financial service with the assistance of that you’ll be able to acquire a free Master Debit or paid mastercard all over the world. just in case you get a free card on-line that will be delivered to you at your home all free of price. Payoneer is most effective on-line services for processing money to Pakistan, India and a few different countries where alternative on-line financial services doesn't work Like PayPal.
How to chat with a Facebook User who has been blocked ? Here is a trick due to which you can chat with blocked Facebook User. This trick is 100% Working.
Facebook ID Card is an app which will generate an identity card for you. This ID Card will contain your name, your birthday, city of birth, and the country you live in. This information is fetched from Facebook with your permission.
If your computer is used by multiple persons and you have some secret data. If you want to hide your secret data from other users follow the following steps:
If you want to protect your folder to prevent accessing from others here is one useful trick to lock folder using batch file. Password protect folder using notepad. You can set customized password for folder and makes it to prevent access from others. It’s quite simple to password protect a folder using notepad.
Sometimes when we try to reach out any wireless network, the Wifi keeps on disconnecting and reconnecting. I have also faced similar type of issue many times on my Windows 8 laptop as well as on my Android phone. Below are the two main reasons that can cause this problem.
Computer keyboards come up with led lights that indicates whether some particular key function out of Capslock, Scrol lock or numlock is activated or not. Here is a mysterious notepack trick by which you can make a fun program that automatically turn these notification lights on and off repeatedly.
If you have watched The matrix movie then you might have seen a vertically falling down code just at the beginning of it. You can use simple notepad to perform the same trick on your computer.